Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dino:The Phantom King Story

A long long time ago there was a phantom named Dino he went to a school with all the other shamans (alphas) when they were teens. While Mira was teaching the other jammers that zios made before us now used to make fun of him because of of they didn't know what he was and his  eye Dino never liked that one days peck came up to Dino. "What are you anyway and what's is with your eye" Peck said Dino started to sob "Hey leave him alone he did nothing doesn't matter what he is peck be nice" Liza said Dino started to smile then peck left. "Why did you stick up for me I look weird" Dino said "No you aren't" Liza said then more people made fun of him then Dino stomped out of the room Liza sighed. Dino became mean he stole kids lunch money,gave them punches, and called them names one hour later zios called dino to the office but then dino stomped out of there. Dino became eviler he had an idea he grabbed flint and stone and set  the school on fire zios daughter jenna was trapped in there but didn't get out in time it was too late Jenna has passed away. " WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU I CANT BELIEVE YOU DINO" Zios said starting to sob Dino got kicked out and the school turned into a library and had to be taken down Dino made a mission to duplicate him

- LPS Alexandra AJ